Directional Media Services can help you effectively market your business by first selecting the proper mix of directories and advertising items, and secondly by coordinating your message in the Yellow Pages with your message in other advertising media.
Yellow Page Directories can be classified in two different ways, by the type of Publishers and by the information they contain.
The two types of Publishers are Utility and Independent. Utility Publishers are companies that publish Yellow Pages for the telephone service providers and Independent Publishers are competitor companies not affiliated with the telephone service providers.
Yellow page directories can be classified by the information they contain as well. Core directories have the most usage and reach and contain information for an entire marketplace. Suburban or Neighborhood directories contain information from a smaller more localized market. Regional or Overlay directories contain information that includes several smaller directory areas and combines it into one larger directory. Special Interest or Niche directories target a specific consumer interest; for example a Boater Guide or a Senior Citizens directory. Business to Business directories address the purchasing needs of the business customer.
Directories contain many types of items. There are listings, in-column ads, display ads, coupons, and specialty items, i.e. tabs or tip-ons. Currently there are over 4,200 headings available for advertisers to choose from.
Directional Media Services has the experience, knowledge and personnel to assist your business with the complicated task of choosing the right directory mix, ad design, research, and placement of your Yellow Page advertising program. We understand your need to grow your business and we value your need to do it cost effectively. We can eliminate the hassle of numerous Publishers contacting you daily, by becoming your single point of contact with them. We handle all Publisher calls and problems, so you have the time to do what you do best; take care of your customers.
Give your business a competitive edge by using a leader in the Yellow Page industry
Directional Media Services.